Hi, hi
I'm Gábor,
Front-End Developer

About me

I'm a junior Front-End developer originally from Serbia, currently based in Munich, Germany. I like to create things that live on the internet, and I enjoy the whole path that leads me to the final goal. My interest in web development started in 2019, I taught myself through Youtube tutorials, Udemy courses, and in the year 2020, I decided to enroll into school (in Germany) to become a web developer. In February 2022 I graduated from IHK school, and since then, I have been working as a frontend developer.
In my free time, I like DIY, playing guitar, biking and building my own projects.



Rick and Morty App

A React app for searching Rick and Morty characters and viewing their details, utilizing the Rick and Morty API .

Weather App

You can search for cities you're interested in, and it will display the temperature for each city. This app utilizes two APIs, the Openweather and the Geonames API. It's designed for Mobile!

Wordle Game

It's a react Game that works similarly to the NY Times Wordle . However, in my version, you can't attempt the same word twice.
spelling bee game

Spelling Bee

It's a full-stack app inspired by the NY Times Spelling Bee. The frontend was built with React, and the backend with Node.js/Express.

Skills & Tools

